Andhra food
The cuisines of Andhra are the spiciest in all of India. Generous use of chili powder and tamarind make the dishes tangy and hot. The majority of a diverse variety of dishes are vegetable- or lentil-based.
Regional variations
The three regions of Andhra Pradesh have variations in the cuisine. Telangana region shares border with Central Indian andVidharba, this area has more jowar- and bajra-based rotis in their staple diet.
The Rayalaseema district shares borders with eastern Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, and its cuisine has similarities to that of those regions.
The more fertile Andhra coastal region has a long coastline along the Bay of Bengal, and its cuisine has a distinctive flavor with various seafood. Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh, has its own characteristic cuisine, which is considerably different from other Andhra cuisines. The Nizams patronise the Hyderabadi cuisine, which is very much like the Nawabi and Lucknowicuisine. The only difference is that the Nizams of Hyderabad prefer their food to be spicier, resulting in the distinct Hyderabadi cuisine, which includes delicacies like Kacche gosht (Raw Meat) ki biryani, Dum ka Murgh (Chicken cooked in Hyderabadi Style), baghara baingan (Eggplant), and Achaari Subzi (Vegetable gravy with the taste of pickles).
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